Coaching Groups FAQ
What is group coaching?
Simply, coaching that occurs in a group! 1:1 professional coaching involves individual meetings between the coach and the coachee. Group coaching is still high quality, professional coaching, it just involves more than one coachee, working with the coach in a group setting.
Is group coaching in person or virtual?
Just like 1:1 coaching, group coaching can be either face to face or held on an online (or telephone) platform.
What will the group expect from me?
- To support and encourage your fellow group members
- Do your “fieldwork” between meetings
- Prepare for each group meeting
- Once group times are established, commit to attending
- To the best of your ability, give 100% to the group
- Have some fun!
What are some of the advantages of group coaching?
- Shared knowledge - you learn from others in the group and they learn from you
- Support from more than one person - you not only get support from the coach, you also get help from other group members
- Group coaching has a lower investment rate than 1:1 coaching